Thursday, December 15, 2011

Buy Me This Happy Week

Not sure if it's my super exciting meeting with designer Julie Bent this morning over coffee and fabric samples (wouldn't YOU like to know!) or if I'm just having one of those weeks where everything's going almost inconceivably well... but I'm thinking in bursts of color today, and dreaming in confetti shades and smiling at the colored christmas lights everywhere in Baltimore.
It inspired me to show you some things in my inspiration folder from the week, in hopes it will make your week bright too!!
Love this scarf by PidgePidge and these super cool re-purposed ceramics by NinaInvorm.
I love the spirit of this season... even the chaos that comes with it. It makes stopping for a hot tea with friends, or a movie at the Charles Theater just that much more of a treat. Getting really excited for 2012, but trying to enjoy the rest of 2011 while we're still in it. Enjoying the thought of the coming weekend - the holiday parties, the time to bake granola, make a batch of eggnog, and work on some crafty gifts for family. We're still busy - and we're still shipping your orders out daily - don't worry. We're just suddenly giddy, and enjoying ourselves twice as much as usual!

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