Saturday, August 7, 2010

Project Revealed.

I'm so giddy to show you the beginnings of a new project I'm working on with Art Star - an awesome handmade boutique & art gallery in Philadelphia that has represented Red Prairie Press for years. I'm having solo art show in the gallery opening on September 3, titled "I Bet You" and here are some images from the 26+ part installation. Can you guess what it's going to be?

We'll be producing indiviual prints of the whole series, as well as a postcard set, which will hopefully be available as early as my next craft fair in Chicago, if not by the holidays... that is, if for SOME reason have something better to do than drive/fly/walk to Philly for my glorious art show, and/or you don't want an original.

If I might admit a secret: I've been slightly unmotivated this year to make new work. I've had to push a bit harder to get started on things lately... and have decided against doing a calendar this year (though, I decide that EVERY year, so this could be rubbish)... but this project has really challenged & inspired me, and I'm excited for the first time in a long while to make & show new work. Plus, announcing it here means I will just HAVE to finish in time, despite being a bit overwhelmed by the approaching deadline! Because you can't take back a blog promise.
My friend Lindsay told me the other day "the internet never forgets" and I'm pretty sure she's right.

So, have you guessed yet?

A lady-bet, Letter-people, all out sans-serif she-font.
Hows THAT for girlpower?


Jennifer said...

rachel's favorite things?

Red Prairie Press said...

nope. keep guessing!

Anonymous said...

The Alphabet!
So clever.

Red Prairie Press said...

You got it! ;)