Friday, January 22, 2010

Sherlock Holmes

Have you seen it? Did you love it?
I'm going to have to give it two enthusiastic thumbs up.
All the haters can leave this blog, because despite some negative hype we heard, it was freaking funny, and I love going to the movies. In a week full of hassles (our car being apparently totaled, taxes being worked on, rental car being hard to come by, business backups, apparel cancellations, a cold, etc.) it was a no hassle, don't think too hard, just laugh and enjoy type of movie, and Robert Downey Jr. & Jude Law (who somehow pulls of a mustache on his magical babyface) look like best buddies and like they're having so much fun, and this reminds me of how lucky Phil and I are to both enjoy OUR jobs as much as we do, and how rare that is, and I just got so happy for them that they got to make this movie. Also I love cleverness and surprises and this movie celebrates both. And also, Rachel McAdams is super badass (even though she has to get saved a million times), and the costumes on all three of them? Holy eyeballs, they just made my heart swim. And did you see that copper bathtub that the guy dies in? woah. I mean... how snazzy was THAT!? (the tub, not the death) I want that. minus the poisoned bath bubbles, if you please.

(and this is why I have NOT been hired by anyone to write movie reviews)


Katherine Fahey said...

Here here! I loved it.

Jennifer said...

So glad you liked it Rach! I thougt it was pretty gosh darn awesome!!

DK said...

No no! I want movie reviews to include gushing over copper tubs!!

Anonymous said...

I had zero desire to go see this movie. Until now. You made me want to get out of my pajamas this weekend and go to the theater.

Sarah said...

And Robert Downey Jr is suuuuper cute.