Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Happy New Year!

Hi pals! Remember me? It's been a bit of a hiatus on this blog, hasn't it?
We've been having too much fun in NH to stop and say hello.
Had a great christmas with lots of family and lots of woodstove warmth, which is suiting Mr Sammy incredibly well. We've been skiing, ice skating, hiking in the snow and enjoying our parents. I've been practicing my embroidery skills (staying as close to said woodstove as safely possibly) and we have been cooking up a storm. We made a great 5 course meal for my parents a couple days after christmas. Check out the finishing course: cardamom ice cream (hand whipped) in a hallowed out clementine with sesame crisp & raisins. Phil and I headed to Boston to see some close friends for New Years, and then on a whim, ended up driving to Lebanon, NH and having a great weekend with my sister & brother - in - law & our two awesome nieces. Sledding, swimming, fort building & sing-alongs ensued. Now we're back in NH for a few days before a trip to Seattle to see Phil's grandparents and taste the winds of the west. Hopefully this trip will put an end to my recent habit of eating my weight in cookies, but somehow I doubt it...
Anything you think we should see in Seattle? It's our first time there!

I find myself happy to take a mini-break for the first time in a while, but eager to see what this year has in store... I have a few ideas... I'm pondering ways to keep things exciting, plotting ways to obtain more workspace (and involve phil more) and enjoying the fact that until January 15th, I can't do anything about any of it!

Hope you all got in a good rest and didn't make any resolutions too hefty to keep.... I sort of forgot to make one, but I'll let you know. Perhaps a sugar ration should be on the list?

that's ridiculous.

Hello from snowy, sugar coated utopia!
be well!


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