Monday, August 4, 2008

Weekend Recap

What a weekend we had!
Friday night we perused first fridays, and played late night boggle with late night friends.
Saturday, we yard-saled and thrifted with Scott & Angie (who are Boggle champions and said late night friends).
I scored a cool vintage seat/stool for our kitchen (needs some new fabric for the seat. Stay tuned to see before and afters), some glass storage bottles, and a paper shredder. My ever-eclectic husband picked up a pink whiffle ball bat, some snappy new shorts, and a video called "fart; the movie."

Sunday we managed to get 2nd row seats at the 7th annual Fluid Movement Water Ballet. If you haven't been before, it's well worth the $9 to see your friends (you're bound to know someone in it) stuffed into brightly colored body suits attempting to dance & synchronized swim to loud music. My friends Bonnie and Maureen performed heroically as toxic green strip teasing sheep, and Anne looked uber-professional as a distinguished part of the pumpkin parade... though we don't agree with her party of choice character designation.

Last night we also watched a good movie (no, not Fart; The Movie) American Astronaut- directed by and starring Cory McAbee.
the first space-western musical I've come across, and some original thoughts, which are rare & refreshing. Gold.

Happy Monday


Curt said...

I loved The American Astronaut I highly recommend it to anyone that reads this blog.

Have Phil call me when he watches Fart it seems like something that should not be missed.

Prêt à Voyager said...

I'm not a republican, I just play one in the water ballet ;)


Red Prairie Press said...

HA! I figured as much- but sorry for not clearing that up. didn't really think about that!