Thursday, August 7, 2008

Thursday Reminisce

Vegan Food guru "Vegan Yumyum" has convinced me to keep trying at tofu with THIS scrumptious looking recipe that I saw posted on the My Paper Crane blog.... I have been a vegetarian for about 11 years now, and you'd think I'd be good at something like tofu. That's kinda the deal, right? WRONG. If it's healthy, and I like it, phil is bound to hate it, if it's fried, Phil likes it and I usually dislike it... if I make it, pretty much neither of us like it. I've ended up eating a lot of tofu raw, and soaked in things (soyaki sauce has been a recent favorite in our house). However, these Smokey Miso Sangies make me want to try harder, and try I will.
ALSO, after looking at that recipe, I started further procrastinating and saw her more recent recipe- which is for Blueberry Grunt. Phil's Grammy Davis once told me her secret recipe for Blueberry Grunt from memory, as we were picking blueberries on a goat farm in NH. She had learned such things in Nova Scotia where she grew up, and had moved to Massachusetts to open a bakery before settling in Northern Maine (where blueberries happen to abound). While she closed the bakery before moving, she hardly cut back on the quantities of food she made. The few times I met her, there were always enormous amounts of buttery cheese rolls, pies and caramel candies being stuffed in my belly. (actually, that tradition lives on. The wonderful aunt and uncle that now live in the house have managed to keep making most of her best recipes, and it's a highlight of any Davis Family event). Grammy Davis had this old potbelly wood-fire stove that she cooked on, and a farmhouse and garden full of rescued wild animals... My ideal lady, to say the least... I could go on and on about this woman I barely knew...
Anyway... The vegan recipe looks delicious and made me reminisce....pretty much sealing the deal that the rest of today is a dreamy and wasted one.... in which i might just happen upon Superfresh after my 11:30 meeting, and round up the ingredients for blueberry grunt. We leave for Chadd's Ford, PA this afternoon for a weekend of recording music in an old farmhouse, swimming and a barn party.
See... you just THINK we're city people because our address says Baltimore.....
until monday


Lindsay said...

jealous! sing a song for me and say hi to everyone, send my love! xxooxx


I have a really good recipe (that I sorta made up) for fried tofu. I'll send it to you if ya want.


Red Prairie Press said...

yes tofu. yes hellos and love all around for L.H.