Heh. I just learned about "Pounce" on Etsy. You can push a button and "pounce" to see random things that have just been purchased.
This here, if you can believe your eyes, has just been purchased.
I wish this style would catch on with the tween girls and college freshman that walk around with writing on the bums of their sweatpants. If the masses of Long Island's finest Syracuse University-Bound high school graduates traded in their sorority uniform sweats for big-girl onesies with bows on the butt ... how effing CUTE would that be!!!!??!!!
100% way more adorable, in my opinion. AND, we could all still focus on their butts! They could even do color coordination! See, everyone wins.
Fall 2009 - Bow Butt Onesies are the new black. You heard it here first.
I think i'll go paint this scenario.
PS, if you really do want one, in baby size, the seller is called WarmandFuzzyBaby.
As a recent SU grad I know exactly what you mean. Props --> you.
nice. bowbutt.
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