Thursday, July 24, 2008

Old Pal for Sale

You know that story of the little engine that could... you know... pulling more weight than was possible for an engine of that size... over the big hill? "I think I can, I think I can..."
Well... this is sort of like that, except a press instead of an engine, and lots of tshirts, instead of a hill.
Otherwise...totally the same.

Oh, except also, we're getting rid of it.

Don't get me wrong, it's not like we don't still love it. We just want a bigger one, that will print more colors! So we're selling this old friend, which has been loyal, dependable, and good to us for almost three years. This press was my first and only purchase on Ebay, and my first step into starting a business, and quitting my last job...and if I remember correctly, part of the reason we named our business RED prairie... I LOVE this press. You know how people love their cars? It's like that.
However, sometimes you need a safer car, with better gas mileage, and you have to let go of the (beautiful) old junker that you will secretly always love more.'s like that.

In happier news, this means we get to search for a new press. Anyone have one they love? We're looking for a 4-6 color, 4 station, freestanding masterpiece with enough character to sufficiently make us forget the pain of our goodbye. (Let's not use the word "replacement," when you know Old Red is irreplaceable).


Unknown said...

oh no! i still fondly recall assembling ol' red by your side, so long ago..

golly, i'll miss her. maybe i'll buy her just to keep her in "the family".

Red Prairie Press said...

Dude, there is a photo of you that travels to every new studio from that very day! It is another reason this goodbye is so devastating. That was a nice day!