Thanks to everyone involved with tonight's Baltimore Biz Ladies Meetup. Enormously helpful as anticipated. Super Special thanks to Grace of Design*Sponge, Megan & Leslie of Double Dutch(don't forget to visit them for 1st Fridays tomorrow!!!) & Kat of Gilah Press. Wonderful event, I learned a few new things, was reassured of a few old things, met some good new people, saw lots of familiar faces, and ate too many cookies. Up late working, after feeling inspired by a big AVAM room full of business gals. Still glad to be making and doing, perhaps fearing the tax man just a bit more...and most of all, grateful to have a place worth crawling out of my hole for! Go Biz Ladies!!! Go Design Sponge!!! Go Baltimore!!!
In case you didn't make it to tonight's meetup, you can find all the good stuff online HERE.
Amen sister! We could form the Charm City Baltimore Etsy Street Mafia! Whoa!
Oh yes, the CCBESM).
Baltimore city charming Etsy craft street mafia team? (BCCECSMT)
Charm City craft street etsia? (CCCSE)
Charming Hons and Crafty Hos Association? (CHA CHA)
I vote for CHA CHA. Charmcitycraftstreetetsia sounds too much like an STD or a skin infection. :)
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