Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Back in Action

what a hard post to write.
oh dear.
i'm going to burst into a happy weeping ball of sloppy tears if i talk too much about our wedding. Also, i might actually explode trying to recreate it in my head. I've never been so happy, and I've never been so deliciously exhausted.

Might I offer that before this week, never before did anyone experience love or fun? Seriously. Not like this. I'm certain of it.
I love my wonderful family, I love my outstandingly talented friends, I love their friends, and their families, I love New Hampshire, and Maine and most of all... I love my husband.

More to come. Much much more. (so much you'll be sick of hearing about it, and perhaps stop reading this blog even).
For now I will say that we are safely home from our trip to New England, and back in full swing of chaos. We will need a while to upload, scan and retrieve photos from everyone who took them, and process everything that's happened. In the meantime, I've stolen this photo of our wedding ceremony from my friend Nicole.

Lots of things to look forward to this week in baltimore. Artscape is Friday-Sunday in Mt. Vernon, and a number of my paintings (some of them new!) are in the Sondheim Semi-Finalist show at the Fox Building at MICA, which opens thursday night 6-8pm.

Talk to you soon!


Sherry said...

Wow! what a gorgeous setting, dress, bridesmaids, -it all looks so fantastic!!! CONGRATS!!!!


more pics! sad we couldn't make it but full on congrats from s&a. honeymoon #2 in portland?



Lindsay said...

rach- it was the BEST! I had SO MUCH FUN I JUST ABOUT BUSTED!

So much joy, so much love.

I have loaded up all my pics, plus I have some links to Nogeeshik's over at my blog Reprise