Monday, June 30, 2008

And We're Off!

Tomorrow morning bright and early, we leave Baltimore for NH, where we're getting married in just 5 days! To celebrate, and reminisce, here is the first photo I ever took of Phil. We were in eighth grade, from different schools, but I had a huge crush on him. Although I took this photo, I didn't actually get up the nerve to talk to him until 4 years later, just as we graduated high school. That was 9 years ago, and the rest is history.

I can't wait to show you all of the cool stuff we {okay, I} made to decorate our ceremony and reception... so proud!!
I'll be thinking of you all on Saturday. I'm so lucky to have all of you.
See you on the other side of the "alter" (and by alter... i mean grassy knoll on an organic farm)



Unknown said...

ha! he still makes that face.

Nichim said...

Wow, he's so dreamy! What is this, some kind of all-county band shindig or something? See you in a couple of days!

Red Prairie Press said...

haha. nope, it was the "american heritage tour" and we were ironically, on a trip through PA, MD, DC! You might say we've ended up where we've started?

Sherry said...

Congratulations! I wish you the very best on your wedding day! Cheers!

Jennifer said...

ADORABLE. Can't wait to celebrate with you losers. I'm getting teary already....(not even kidding)

Lindsay said...

Phil is possibly the most adorable boy ever. You guys are really just the best couple. I can't believe I'll be in NH to see you! And everyone! SO EXCITED!

P H I L said...

oh, but that tie!

Juliet said...

Congrats! I can't wait to see (steal) all your decoration ideas!~


where's his lips?