Atomic Books Blog is reporting that Dangerously Delicious Pies is opening a location in Hampden (the former Finnerteas store on Chestnut near 36th street). Literally a week ago, Phil and I were walking past New System Bakery (known for donuts, not pies), and saying "Dangerously Delicious Pies should move to Hampden. They would make a KILLLLLLINGGGGGGGGG" and now they are, and they will, off of us. Is this one of those things where we've just discovered if we say something, it will come true?
in that case, we would like to release the following statements:
(i had a bunch...but they just weren't that witty). Please help me fill these in).
focus on the positive:
PIE. IN. HAMPDEN. BY. HONFEST (June 7) !!!!!!
Hi Rachel! Your post reminded me of this post from the Shine Blog and cracked me up. Y'all are on the same page, I guess.
I say, wish for an ice cream cone.
ha! Just goes to show that Hampden is a magical place where dreams come true.
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